Digital State Academy

In cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Tallinn University of Technology, the online course platform of the Digital State Academy has been completed. This is a first-of-its-kind approach where the development of knowledge and skills about the digital state is offered centrally through the e-learning platform.

The aim of the Digital State Academy is to develop the knowledge of public sector employees about the development of the digital state and digital services, so that everyone can keep up with the rapid development of the digital state. The Digital State Academy is primarily aimed at the public sector, but anyone who wishes can take the courses free of charge.

Naine istub laua taga, käed sülearvuti klaviatuuril.

Completion of courses

The courses of the Digital State Academy are available free of charge and are intended for all interested parties who want to learn more about the digitally empowered digital state and its development.

Completing one course takes about 45 minutes, but it can also be completed in shorter modules, continuing the course from the point where it was left at a suitable time.

Last updated: 30.12.2024