Riigi Teataja on Eesti Vabariigi ametlik võrguväljaanne, milles avaldatakse õigusaktid ja muud dokumendid. Samuti leiate Riigi Teataja veebilehelt eelnõude otsingu, kohtuteabe, seadus- ja õigusuudiseid ning võimaluse õigusteabe tellimiseks Minu Riigi Teataja kasutajaks registreerudes.
Juristaitab.ee veebileht aitab leida vastuseid igapäevaelu õigusküsimustele ning ka dokumendivormide näidiseid.
Euroopa e-õiguskeskkonna portaal on tulevikus õigusala elektrooniline keskpunkt kõikideks toiminguteks.
As of January 1, 2025, the Ministry of Justice has been renamed the Ministry of Justice and Digital Affairs. Through this merger, the expertise in law and digital services development is brought…
New and innovative business models are constantly being added to the electronic communication market, and the demand for mobile data communication and additional frequency resources continues to grow.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Tallinn University of Technology, the online course platform of the Digital State Academy has been completed. This is a…
Cyber security has become an integral part of the functioning of the state and economy as well as domestic and external security.
Proactive government services, or event services are the direct public services provided jointly by several authorities so that a person would be able to perform all the obligations and exercise all…
The Estonian Digital Agenda 2030 has been prepared under the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MEAC). It contains a vision and action plan on how to advance Estonia's…
Minister of Justice and Digital Affairs Liisa Pakosta participated in the The TTE Council meeting in Brussels. Pakosta supported the adoption of the Council's conclusions on the cybersecurity agency…
Minister of Justice and Digital Affairs, Liisa Pakosta is in Brussels, where she met with European Commissioner for Democracy, Justice, the Rule of Law and Consumer Protection, Michael McGrath;…